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World AIDS Day

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To celebrate World AIDS Day on December 1st 2012, the Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) facilitated a HIV/AIDS peer education programme to transition year students in Ireland.  These workshops explored the stigma associated with HIV and challenged both direct and indirect discrimination experienced by people living with HIV in Ireland. The IFPA also launched a new HIV/AIDS information clip to inform young people on the importance of sexual health while also helping to reduce the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS in Ireland.

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IFPA welcomes publication of Expert Group Report on Abortion

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The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) has welcomed the publishing of the Expert Group Report on the A, B and C v Ireland judgment. It has urged the Government, in the strongest possible terms and as a matter of urgency, to repeal the 1861 Offences Against the Person Act and introduce medical guidelines in relation to lawful abortion.

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The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) has welcomed the small reduction in the number of Irish women seeking abortion services in Britain.

Figures released today (29.05.12) by the UK Department of Health show that in 2011, a total of 4,149 women providing Irish addresses had terminations in England and Wales. This represents a drop of 253 from 2010 and the lowest figure since 1991.

However, the IFPA pointed out that, although the figures show decrease, there are still over 4,000 women who have had to travel to the UK to avail of services that the Irish State criminalises.  

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Men Engage Campaign

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“Get screened, get treated and get on with your life”, is the message from health experts to Irish men as part of the Men Engage Campaign, which aims  to encourage men to engage in their own sexual health.

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