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Abortion in Ireland


Supporting someone through their abortion

An early medical abortion companion guide

The IFPA’s vision for abortion care in Ireland

The IFPA believes that abortion is an intimate aspect of private life, intricately linked with human rights values and principles that protect women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive rights. These rights include the right to life, health, privacy, non-discrimination and to be free from cruel and degrading treatment. The IFPA supports the choices of women and girls with an unintended or crisis pregnancy in all circumstances.

The IFPA advocated for many years for the legalisation of abortion in Ireland. Abortion care was introduced in 2019, but the law is not perfect. For as long as people need abortion care, we will continue to work for further law reform, including full decriminalisation of abortion.

We advocate for the removal of the barriers to access: these include the mandatory three-day waiting period, the rigidly defined gestation period and the definition of fatal fetal anomaly.

We also advocate for universal free access to contraception for all who need it. A particular focus in this regard is the extension of the free contraception scheme to under 17s and over 35s.

We work to ensure that women and girls have access to quality, rights-based and women-centred services that meet the requirements of international human rights law and are in line with best international healthcare practice.

Our vision is of a healthcare system were no woman or girl is discriminated against or experiences stigma when accessing reproductive healthcare; that services are of high quality and are acceptable to women and girls; and that there are no cost-related or other barriers to accessing care.

The IFPA supports the choices of women and girls with an unplanned or crisis pregnancy in all circumstances.