
16th July 2024

Contraceptive choices have never been greater. There are more than a dozen options available in Ireland including contraceptive patches, the daily pill, vaginal rings, diaphragms and condoms – as well as long-term methods like implants, injectables and the coil.

An IFPA doctor can take you through the options and help you find the contraceptive method that works best for you based on your individual needs, wants and circumstances.

You can find in-depth information on every type of contraception here.


Contraception is now free for 17 – 35 year olds in Ireland.  The Government’s free contraception scheme covers the cost of contraceptive consultations, appointments, prescriptions, fitting and removal of coils and implants and any other costs involved in getting your contraception if you are within this age bracket.

Follow this link for a  list of frequently asked questions about the Government’s free contraception scheme.

If you are not covered by the scheme, a contraceptive consultation costs €60. If you’re a student, we offer a discounted fee of €45.

The cost of contraception varies depending on the method. For information on costs, please click here.

We welcome medical card holders.

Phone 0818 49 50 51  for more information or to make an appointment.

An IFPA doctor can take you through all options to help you find the best contraceptive method for you.

More information

See our contraception factsheets for in-depth information on long-acting contraceptives, hormonal contraceptives, barrier methods and permanent methods.