Speakeasy is the IFPA’s eight-week programme designed to provide parents with the information, skills and confidence needed to talk to their children about relationships, sexuality and keeping safe.

Speakeasy +
Speakeasy Plus is an eight-week training programme designed to give parents of children with a disability the skills and confidence to talk openly about growing up, relationships, sexuality and keeping safe.

Medical Training
Our Contraception Foundation Course for Nurses and Midwives provides the knowledge and skills to deliver a family planning service of high medical standard.

Sexual Health Training
The IFPA offers a comprehensive one-day training on the basics of sexual and reproductive health. It’s ideal for people working in the health, education, youth, social or community sectors.

FGM Workshop for Medical Professionals
The IFPA runs Ireland’s only specialist clinic for FGM treatment. Our Medical Director can provide a one-hour presentation on FGM to healthcare professionals and other service providers.

Relationships and Sexuality Education
The IFPA’s Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Workshop is a five-hour comprehensive sexual health programme for secondary school students.

Sexual Health Promotion
We run sexual health workshops and information stands in colleges and universities countrywide.

Educational and Training Resources
Our collection includes factsheets, leaflets, infographics and videos. Videos are available on our YouTube channel.